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Friday, May 29, 2015

Lazy Natural

1185180_10201285357288940_1527792848_nSo, I am a year into my natural journey and here is what I have found. I AM TOO DAMN LAZY.  I am such a lazy natural.  I went into this journey thinking that I would have low maintenance, easy breezy hair.  Boy was I wrong.  I just could have never imagined that it would be so much work.  I spend more time taking care if this hair than I ever did with relaxed hair.  Some days I just want to throw in the towel and go get some "creamy crack" and lay that hair flat.
But no....I am hanging in there 2 years and counting. I can't believe that this was me.
I remember being in a panic after cutting my hair.  I was transitioning about year and one day I just let it go.  It wasn't even expected.  One day I was just looking at my hair and decided that it was just too ugly with the stringy straight ends and.........CHOP!!!!! Then it was gone.  My heart dropped.  Then began the journey of what to do next.  I became a super product junky.  I just went crazy trying to find anything that would work.  Then I found that I now spent more time on my hair as a natural than I ever did relaxed.  That fact alone almost made me give in and reach for the "creamy crack".  I was just so hard to get any kind of look and I just didn't know if I wanted to put in the effort.
WIN_20150524_111809Bouncy and wash and go with almost no products.  I am finally loving these curls.I grow more in love with them each day.