Image taken from Google images |
So a few months ago, Walgreen's had all Shea Moisture products on a BOGO sale. I had tried Shea Moisture when I first became natural but I was also trying all kinds of things. Due to this, I never really examined what it did to my hair. As all new naturals do, I tried everything that the blogs and friends recommended. A friend of mine highly recommended this line, so I bought a few things. I used it with other things in the beginning of my journey but when what I bought ran out I never repurchased. Not because, at the time, there was anything wrong with it. I was just a product junkie. I had way too many products and needed to start dwindling down the products that I had. So, I just didn't repurchase but I kept it in the back of my mind because it was so highly recommended. As a started to dwindle my products, I really learned about my hair and what impact the products were having on my hair. (Side note: New naturals, one of the best lesson I learned through my process is to test one product at a time until your really know what your hair needs. Layering randomly will only lead to frustration in your journey driving you back to relax because you feel like your hair is in worst condition than when it was relaxed.) Back to it...So anyway, as I said Walgreen's had a BOGO sale so I got some. At the time, I had been doing the curly girl method with my hair. Even though, I was getting good results with this method, as the weather got colder my hair just needed more. Also, with cold winters is just less than smart to walk around with a wet head. So, with the cold Missouri winter my hair was super dry. To help remedy that I bought the Shea Moisture Coconut and Hibiscus line, right down to the body bar soap. The products totally helped with the moisture issue. However, I started noticing sores in my head. This was not unusual because with relaxed hair I had sores as well as when I was natural for almost a year. I just thought it was due to the scratching because I tend to have incredibly itchy scalp. So I just thought I was causing the sores. It was not until I had begun doing the curly girl method and the itching stopped did I notice the impact of the products I used. Once the constant itching was gone, it was really noticeable when it came back along with the sores. However, I still did not link it to the product. I just thought it was the cold weather. I was not until the weather started to warm up in March or April and the effect of the product moved to my face. I think the warmth caused the product to melt and run to places it had not been before and the itching in my scalp had become unbearable. It was then that I reflected on the product, at the time it was the only one I had been using. I would like to say that by this time I had stopped using the body soap because it was irritating my skin. As you can see, I was really broken out. It took about a week for this to clear up. I had to breakout a sulfate shampoo to cleanse my scalp of the product.
May 1, 2015 |
I want to say that, I in no way think that this product line from Shea moisture is bad or not worth trying. Overall, it did what I wanted it to do. I wanted something that was moisturizing for the winter months and it did that. However, there is something in the formula that causes and allergic reaction in me. I have not abandoned the product line. I am still using the moisture retention shampoo (Side note: This was the first thing I bought. The exact same bottle. You can tell I don't shampoo much. It is almost 2 years old.) and I am currently trying the deep treatment masque (it was marked down so I'm giving it a try). These are the ones with the gold label. I am not using the conditioner that goes with the shampoo mostly because of cost. I am on a journey to reduce the expense incurred through the journey. I am currently using Suave Naturals as a rinse out in the shower. Before I bought the masque I was using a mixture of Suave Naturals, coconut oil and honey as my deep conditioner. I also went back to the Cantu products that had done well for a leave-in and moisture cream. Along with Africa's Best Oil and coconut oil (which ever is the cheapest).
Image taken from Google images |
Image taken from Google images |
Image taken from Google images |
I do want to say that due to the summer warm up, I will most likely only be using the conditioner and the oil until it starts to get cold again. I am renewing my curly girl method after having to use a sulfate shampoo.
I guess that I say all of this as a lesson to new natural that it is important to learn your hair needs and not to think that you are doing something wrong because
+Jenell or
+Tia (my favorite gurus) got it to work for them. If you check her out
Jenell would tell you the same thing. But you know I didn't listen because my hair looked really close to hers and the products should just react the same. Yeah, NOT. Just learn your hair and SIMPLY LOVE THE CURLS.
DISCLAIMER: I am in not way and affiliate or paid spokesperson for any of the products that I have discussed in this blog. I am not a trained hair stylist or beauty professional. I am just sharing my journey in hopes to that I can be of assistance,